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Manifestation Consciousness: Channeling the Creative Power of the Universe

Hello Beautiful Dreamers!

As many of you know, I have recently guided a Muse Activation session called Manifesting with the Muse. We journeyed through these sessions with focus on the manifestation of something important to us in our lives. A transition into a new job, from an old job into what the next big dream in our lives will be as an example. The painting in the end was an archetypal version of this future self, with lots of beautiful symbolism of the journey embedded in the painting along the way.  I wanted to talk about a state of consciousness that we were in for part of this journey, and will talk a little about where we moved into from here in the next blog post.

Manifestation Consciousness. What does it mean to truly manifest, and how can we harness this power in our spiritual and creative practices? Let’s explore how creativity, oracle cards, and painting through the eyes of our Muse can nurture this state of being, and how we can transition from manifesting our desires to channeling the divine will of Spirit.

What is Manifestation Consciousness?

Manifestation Consciousness is more than just the trendy concept of “thinking things into existence.” And by the way it is ok to be receiving. It is not spiritual bypassing to do so as some people would have you believe. It is in fact, you will learn as we explore these states of consciousness, a co-creation and expression of the divine.  Manifestation Consciousness is a deep awareness that our thoughts, intentions, and energy shape the reality around us. When we operate from this consciousness, we’re not just passive participants in life; we’re active co-creators with the Universe.

This state of being is about aligning our inner world with our outer reality. It’s about tuning into the frequency of what we desire and becoming a magnet for those experiences. But it’s not just about getting what we want—it’s about aligning with what we truly need for our soul’s evolution. It is about how in doing this, we are also stewards for the Earth and all of its relations by living in the expression of the soul’s evolution through Spirit, (or God, or Goddess, or Conscious Universe, or whatever language you resonate with to describe this Divinity).

Spiritual Practices for Nurturing Manifestation Consciousness

To truly embody Manifestation Consciousness, it’s essential to integrate spiritual practices that keep us grounded, centered, and in flow with the Universe. Here are a few practices that can help:

  1. Meditation: Sitting in stillness allows us to quiet the mind and connect with our higher self. It’s in this space that we can plant the seeds of our desires with clarity and intention. We can also do a walking meditation if sitting in stillness is not comfortable or desirable for you. There is more than one way to allow for this stillness!
  2. Affirmations: Repeating affirmations that resonate with our goals helps to reprogram our subconscious mind. It’s a powerful way to align our thoughts with the vibration of what we want to manifest. And this is NOT gaslighting ourselves people! This is allowing for these thoughts to become our reality by being open to them. If it feels inauthentic, there are ways to work with the language that we integrate to allow for this authenticity to arise. I will be happy to share about this in another post! This is also not ignoring our current circumstances and reality we are experiencing. Affirmations are a powerful tool to integrate the new energy of what we are identifying with in the present.
  3. Journaling: Writing down our intentions, dreams, and goals anchors them in the physical world. It’s a way to declare to the Universe, “This is what I’m calling in.” A journaling practice is one that I highly recommend incorporating as it can also document your manifestation journey and be the codex of your identity in the reality you are causing and creating and will become a part of your evolving story.
  4. Oracle Cards: Using oracle cards in your spiritual practice can provide guidance, insight, and confirmation on your manifestation journey. When we pull a card, we’re engaging in a dialogue with Spirit, asking for wisdom and direction. The cards often reveal what energies we need to embody to bring our desires into reality. Oracle cards are a wonderful tool to hone our intuition as we navigate our lives more and more with this inner voice and knowing.
  5. Creativity: Infusing creativity into your spiritual practice allows you to express and channel your intentions in a tangible form. Whether through painting, drawing, writing, or another creative outlet, this practice becomes a sacred ritual where your inner visions take shape, making your manifestations more powerful and aligned with your soul’s purpose. This practice brings helps to bring the manifestation into matter. Let’s dive more deeply into this practice shall we!

Painting and Creativity as Tools for Manifestation

Creativity is a divine channel for manifestation. When we paint, write, dance, or create in any form, we’re expressing our soul’s desires and giving life to our intentions. Painting, in particular, is a powerful way to visualize and manifest what we want.

When you paint with intention, you’re not just creating art—you’re creating your reality. Each brushstroke becomes a prayer, each color a symbol of the energies you wish to attract. The canvas becomes a mirror of your inner world, reflecting the life you’re calling in.

With moving the body as we create, we we ground the desire into the 3D, with out bodies, and help us to relate to this vibration and energy as our identity. To integrate this energy through the body by doing something somatic is an important step, it can be movement through dance, or music or whatever your preferred expression is. In the Muse Activation Method, we use movement, music through drumming and rattles, and of course painting!

Moving from Manifestation Consciousness to Channeling the Will of Spirit

As we deepen our manifestation practice, we begin to realize that true fulfillment comes not just from manifesting our personal desires but from aligning with the higher will of Spirit. This is the next level of consciousness—where we become a vessel for divine creativity. This is the next phase of the process.

In this state, we shift from asking, “What do I want?” to “What does Spirit want to create through me?” It’s about surrendering our ego’s desires and trusting that the Universe has a grander plan for us—one that’s aligned with our highest good and the collective good. Here, within this state of consciousness, we get the opportunity to give up the ego and sense of separation. We move from the 3D desires of material matter to the divine expression of Spirit. Though, in essence we are already doing this, we just have conscious awareness here.

To transition into this state, continue your spiritual practices with the intention of surrender. Use your oracle cards to ask Spirit, “How can I best serve today?” Paint not just what you want to create but what you feel called to bring into the world. Allow your creativity to flow from a place of divine inspiration, and watch as your life transforms into a masterpiece that’s in harmony with the will of the Universe.

Manifestation Consciousness is a beautiful step in the process of co-creation with the Universe.  One that allows us to co-create our reality with intention and purpose. But remember, it’s just one step on the spiritual journey. As we grow, we’re invited to deepen our connection with Spirit, to move beyond our personal desires and become vessels for divine creation. In the end, what we are all seeking, is wholeness.

If you would like to paint with me, sign up for the Muse Letter to get notified of upcoming courses and workshops. I would love to witness your creative journey side by side with you!


Be creative and stay inspired!

With love and light, Mia

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